What UltraShape does. (And what it won't do.)
UltraShape destroys the fat that, despite your best efforts, is resistant to diet and exercise. What
UltraShape won't do is cause you pain or harm surrounding tissue, nerves, or muscle. In fact, in a
recent clinical study, 100% of patient report the treatment as being comfortable.
The science behind the slimming.
UltraShape’s gentle ultrasound energy destroys the walls of fat cells in your body and releases that
fat in the form of triglycerides. Those triglycerides are then processed through the liver and
eliminated from the body naturally. Meanwhile, the surrounding tissue, nervesand muscles are left
completely unharmed.
The UltraShape experience.
The UltraShape procedure is a pleasant, relaxing experience. Since it’s nonsurgical, the process is
completely free of anesthetics or incisions. After you and your service provider determine the
exact treatment area, a specially designed belt will be wrapped around your abdomen and a
soothing gel will be applied to your skin. A trained UltraShape technician will glide the UltraShape
transducer over the treatment area, gently delivering virtually painless ultrasound pulses. Treatments
take an hour or less, so sit back and take it easy as UltraShape takes care of your excess fat. Hear
more about the UltraShape call to schedule your consultation!